The Username for this site is your employee number with six digits. If your employee number is fewer than 6 digits, begin with the appropriate number of zeros to make six digits (example 001234).
Passwords for first time users are the last 4 digits of your SSN, on your first login it is recommended that you reset your password to a personal preference. (case sensitive, minimum 6 digits with at least one number and one letter). Special Characters may be used.
If you are experiencing password issues, your password can be reset through this page.
Select “LOGIN” to the left. Enter your Username (see Username info above)
Select “Forgot Password”. An email with password reset information will be sent to the email address in your WBAT contact information.
If are unable to reset your password, call the Hawaiian Airlines Information Technology Support Center / Help Desk @ 808 838-6720 or Toll Free @ 1-866-701-4143. This support line is manned 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Advise the support technician that you require password assistance for the “hawaiiansafety” website.
If you are submitting a PSAP, DSAP, MSAP or GSIP report and are unable to login to the website, it is recommended that you initiate a DSAP / MSAP / PSAP / GSIP Hotline call to time stamp your submission within the 24 hour reporting time.
DSAP / MSAP / PSAP / GSIP reports should be submitted within 24 hours of occurrence or becoming aware of an event. If a submission cannot be initiated electronically within this time frame, you can initiate the submission by calling the DSAP / MSAP / PSAP / GSIP Hotline @ 808 835-3270. Be advised that your report submission must be completed electronically within 72 hours of your Hotline call.
The Hotline recording will give you guidance on the information required.
If you see or suspect unsafe activity, don’t ignore it, let someone know. You could keep a potentially serious situation from harming someone or our company.
Employees can report unethical or unsafe activity to The Network in one of two ways: Call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-353-5354 or Submit a report online at