Welcome to the Web Based Application Tool, WBAT. To file a report, click Login. Your username is your CommuteAir employee email address, and your password is the same one use for your CommuteAir email access. If you've changed your password and forgotten it, please click the Help link to the left and call the office or send an email requesting a password reset.
ASAP is a FAA authorized program allowing CommuteAir employees to report safety and regulatory compliance concerns without fear of certificate action from the FAA. If you are filing a report and have violated a FAR or a Company SOP you may, and probably should, file an ASAP report to protect your certificate. TCAS RAs and serious Safety Concerns should also be filed as ASAP reports. Reports not involving the above referenced issues should be filed as Incident reports.
CommuteAir has developed a system for the submission of incident and event reports by our Flight Crew, Maintenance, Ground Crew, Cabin Crew and Dispatch employees to identify safety and operational deficiencies within their respective departments. These reports will be investigated and analyzed to identify hazards; determine appropriate safety and/or operational improvements; monitor the effectiveness of corrective actions, and proactively promote employee awareness of potential problems.